Pacific Wonderland - Part Three

Happy Friday, everyone! Sorry for the delay on posting. I just spent a spontaneous week in the Adirondacks (95% of which was outdoors, away from the computer!). It was so refreshing, to be able to get out and soak up that summer sun, but of course, now I have a lot of catching up to do! I'm sort of loving being able to relive this trip through these photos. These shots are from our time spent in the Cascades. We started the day with a hike to Lake Serene, and ended it with a drive through Washington Pass to Diablo Lake. Washington was definitely showing off for us! Between the misty rain in the morning to the snowcapped peaks in the afternoon, this was by far one of my favorite days of our trip. 

In other exciting news, I recently accepted a position with the amazing company, United By Blue! Have you guys heard of them? They make the most amazing products for outdoors living. Definitely check them out!



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