Pacific Wonderland - Part Five

Happy weekend fam! It's a little bittersweet that this is the last installment of posts on my Northwest trip. It's been awesome being able to relive these adventures through the photos! Definitely has me excited for next week, when we're off to New Hampshire and Maine! Already have a list of places I can't wait to check out. 

To round out our last day and a half, we kept driving down the 101 along the coast. We took a detour to the Hoh Rainforest, and got to Ruby Beach just in time for sunset. After a night of camping at Kalaloch Beach, it was time to head back to Oregon. Once again, it was a pretty sad moment to leave Washington! The Northwest and I fit together so perfectly, it's hard to say goodbye to it. Our final stop was Cannon Beach. The rain and wind didn't make for a great beach day, but I didn't care (because, Goonies, right?!). I was just happy to be there. By the time we got back to Portland, we were both so exhausted. And after one last sweep through downtown, it was time to take off. I have to admit, Portland totally grew on me during this trip! I can totally see myself living there someday.

Here's a collection of shots from the last day, as well as a few from the rest of our adventures that I hadn't posted yet. Thanks for sticking it out with these posts! Now back to our regular broadcast of my beloved Adirondack mountains. Stay tuned! 



Jessica OlmComment