Black Lives Matter :: Looking Forward

Hi friends,

This has been a heavy couple weeks, but oh how powerful. While we’re still tucked away in the mountains, the protests at home in New York are unreachable. But that hasn’t stopped us from talking at length about what’s going on. We’ve been discussing our own relationships with race + privilege, challenging friends + family on their opinions, researching and digging into as many news outlets as possible, and planning out how to keep this movement alive in our day to. day, long after the social media posts die down. While these conversations can be uncomfortable, they’re incredibly necessary. In my personal life, I have a lot of work to do. I can no longer live in the bubble that my white privilege has allowed me.

Like many of you, I’ve been voraciously consuming as many resources on the Black Lives Matter movement as possible. As this space is static, and the news wont disappear after 24 hours, it feels necessary to organize + share everything here. And while I understand this unlearning isn’t something that can be fixed after  reading a few books, donating some money, and watching a few documentaries, it is a good place to start! I’ll make sure to add new resources as I continue this work.




poster by Matt Massara - download his posters for free HERE.


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