Summer on the Road : Part Five - Oregon

Happy Monday, guys! Finishing up the last installment of this road trip series as I'm packing up the car for the next adventure. This time, we're heading down south to North Carolina and Georgia! Excited to see some of these mountains with their Fall foliage - fingers crossed we have better luck than last time! 

Going through all these photos really has me missing the Northwest, and all my friends out there. Especially the ones in Portland! On the last leg of this trip, I was able to finally meet up with my friend, Helbert. You guys may recognize him from my Montana and Alberta pics from later in the summer. So fortunate to have met this guy - we have definitely become fast friends since our first adventure! Looking forward to more days on the coast and in the mountains with this one.

Have one final summer blog in the works, before it's on to the colorful days of Fall. Stay tuned



Jessica OlmComment