Wilder Than Most

Okay you guys, not sure how it happened, but Spring is suddenly HERE. About to experience it in all it's flowery glory this weekend. V and I are heading down to D.C. for Easter festivities and those infamous cherry blossoms. I couldn't be more excited! I haven't been to that area since I was a kid, and am so happy to be going back. Apologies for the lack of posting my final winter images. We have both been sick all week, which really knocked down my energy level. At least I got to catch up on my Netflix - finally got to watch the documentary, Chasing Ice. Have you seen it? If you haven't, I can not recommend it enough! Basically just instilled an even higher wanderlust in me than I previously had (didn't know that was possible) and added a couple more places to my forever expanding list of locations I want to explore. Anyway, here are some of the last few images from two trips ago. Only a few more snowy photos to share, and then everything will turn green!  Are you excited for the warmer months?



Jessica OlmComment