Wander Lost

Happy February! I'm very delayed with my updates to this space, as it's been hard for me to stay put long enough to organize my thoughts. I'm restless, which is to say that Winter doesn't have me hibernating indoors (for once!). I've been scrambling upstate every chance I get, as it feels like I've finally found a good balance between city and mountains. For the first time in months it's refreshing to feel that way - BALANCED. It's a hard feeling to maintain in my daily routine, especially in New York. I think that these weekend getaways are keeping me centered and refreshed.  I've also taken up writing again, something I haven't done in years. There is definitely something therapeutic about putting pen to paper, and expressing the thoughts that have been bottled up. I've been day dreaming about upcoming trips, and researching all the places I want to explore. I feel like Winter sucks a lot of energy and inspiration out of people, but I've been feeling the opposite. The more I see, the more I feel motivated to do more. Winter's quiet moments have me pouring over travel blogs and artist websites, and scouring for coveted items I want to bring on my next adventures. Currently lusting after this Bradley Mountain backpack and this Bridge and Burn jacket. Hoping to bring them along on warmer weather excursions (New York only JUST decided to begin Winter). In the mean time, still bundling up in a million coats and sweaters, just the way I like it. 



Jessica OlmComment